Goose Egg Incubation Calculator and Chart

Goose Egg Incubation Calculator

For those who raise geese, the goose egg incubation calculator below is a great online tool that could be used to determine or estimate the hatch date of goose eggs. This incubation period calculator is easy to use, fast and very accurate. To use the tool, select the date the goose eggs were set and click the calculate button. As soon as you click Calculate, the estimated hatch date will be displayed.

How Long Do Goose Eggs Take to Hatch?

The incubation period for goose eggs is 28 – 30 days counting from when the eggs are placed in an incubator. They have an average incubation period of 29 days.

Breeds of Geese

The incubation calculator above works for the following breeds of geese.

AfricanAmerican BuffAsia
Brecon BuffChineseCotton Patch
Eastern EuropeEmbdenWest of England
FaroeseFranconianGerman Laying
West of England  

Goose Egg Incubation Chart / Table

An important tool that can be used to determine when a fertilized turkey egg will hatch is a Turkey Egg Incubation Chart or Table. It could be a digital chart or a paper chart.

You can use the turkey egg incubation calculator on this page while the printable turkey incubation table below serves the same purpose as the calculator.

A goose egg incubation chart is also called:

  • Goose incubation chart
  • Goose hatching chart
  • Goose hatching calendar
  • Goose egg incubation calendar

The printable goose egg incubation table below is based on a 29-day Incubation Period.

Goose Egg Incubation Table

Based on a 20-Day Incubation Period
Incub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch DateIncub. DateHatch Date
Jan 01Jan 30Feb 01Mar 02Mar 01Mar 30Apr 01Apr 30May 01May 30Jun 01Jun 30Jul 01Jul 30Aug 01Aug 30Sep 01Sep 30Oct 01Oct 30Nov 01Nov 30Dec 01Dec 30
Jan 02Jan 31Feb 02Mar 03Mar 02Mar 31Apr 02May 01May 02May 31Jun 02Jul 01Jul 02Jul 31Aug 02Aug 31Sep 02Oct 01Oct 02Oct 31Nov 02Dec 01Dec 02Dec 31
Jan 03Feb 01Feb 03Mar 04Mar 03Apr 01Apr 03May 02May 03Jun 01Jun 03Jul 02Jul 03Aug 01Aug 03Sep 01Sep 03Oct 02Oct 03Nov 01Nov 03Dec 02Dec 03Jan 01
Jan 04Feb 02Feb 04Mar 05Mar 04Apr 02Apr 04May 03May 04Jun 02Jun 04Jul 03Jul 04Aug 02Aug 04Sep 02Sep 04Oct 03Oct 04Nov 02Nov 04Dec 03Dec 04Jan 02
Jan 05Feb 03Feb 05Mar 06Mar 05Apr 03Apr 05May 04May 05Jun 03Jun 05Jul 04Jul 05Aug 03Aug 05Sep 03Sep 05Oct 04Oct 05Nov 03Nov 05Dec 04Dec 05Jan 03
Jan 06Feb 04Feb 06Mar 07Mar 06Apr 04Apr 06May 05May 06Jun 04Jun 06Jul 05Jul 06Aug 04Aug 06Sep 04Sep 06Oct 05Oct 06Nov 04Nov 06Dec 05Dec 06Jan 04
Jan 07Feb 05Feb 07Mar 08Mar 07Apr 05Apr 07May 06May 07Jun 05Jun 07Jul 06Jul 07Aug 05Aug 07Sep 05Sep 07Oct 06Oct 07Nov 05Nov 07Dec 06Dec 07Jan 05
Jan 08Feb 06Feb 08Mar 09Mar 08Apr 06Apr 08May 07May 08Jun 06Jun 08Jul 07Jul 08Aug 06Aug 08Sep 06Sep 08Oct 07Oct 08Nov 06Nov 08Dec 07Dec 08Jan 06
Jan 09Feb 07Feb 09Mar 10Mar 09Apr 07Apr 09May 08May 09Jun 07Jun 09Jul 08Jul 09Aug 07Aug 09Sep 07Sep 09Oct 08Oct 09Nov 07Nov 09Dec 08Dec 09Jan 07
Jan 10Feb 08Feb 10Mar 11Mar 10Apr 08Apr 10May 09May 10Jun 08Jun 10Jul 09Jul 10Aug 08Aug 10Sep 08Sep 10Oct 09Oct 10Nov 08Nov 10Dec 09Dec 10Jan 08
Jan 11Feb 09Feb 11Mar 12Mar 11Apr 09Apr 11May 10May 11Jun 09Jun 11Jul 10Jul 11Aug 09Aug 11Sep 09Sep 11Oct 10Oct 11Nov 09Nov 11Dec 10Dec 11Jan 09
Jan 12Feb 10Feb 12Mar 13Mar 12Apr 10Apr 12May 11May 12Jun 10Jun 12Jul 11Jul 12Aug 10Aug 12Sep 10Sep 12Oct 11Oct 12Nov 10Nov 12Dec 11Dec 12Jan 10
Jan 13Feb 11Feb 13Mar 14Mar 13Apr 11Apr 13May 12May 13Jun 11Jun 13Jul 12Jul 13Aug 11Aug 13Sep 11Sep 13Oct 12Oct 13Nov 11Nov 13Dec 12Dec 13Jan 11
Jan 14Feb 12Feb 14Mar 15Mar 14Apr 12Apr 14May 13May 14Jun 12Jun 14Jul 13Jul 14Aug 12Aug 14Sep 12Sep 14Oct 13Oct 14Nov 12Nov 14Dec 13Dec 14Jan 12
Jan 15Feb 13Feb 15Mar 16Mar 15Apr 13Apr 15May 14May 15Jun 13Jun 15Jul 14Jul 15Aug 13Aug 15Sep 13Sep 15Oct 14Oct 15Nov 13Nov 15Dec 14Dec 15Jan 13
Jan 16Feb 14Feb 16Mar 17Mar 16Apr 14Apr 16May 15May 16Jun 14Jun 16Jul 15Jul 16Aug 14Aug 16Sep 14Sep 16Oct 15Oct 16Nov 14Nov 16Dec 15Dec 16Jan 14
Jan 17Feb 15Feb 17Mar 18Mar 17Apr 15Apr 17May 16May 17Jun 15Jun 17Jul 16Jul 17Aug 15Aug 17Sep 15Sep 17Oct 16Oct 17Nov 15Nov 17Dec 16Dec 17Jan 15
Jan 18Feb 16Feb 18Mar 19Mar 18Apr 16Apr 18May 17May 18Jun 16Jun 18Jul 17Jul 18Aug 16Aug 18Sep 16Sep 18Oct 17Oct 18Nov 16Nov 18Dec 17Dec 18Jan 16
Jan 19Feb 17Feb 19Mar 20Mar 19Apr 17Apr 19May 18May 19Jun 17Jun 19Jul 18Jul 19Aug 17Aug 19Sep 17Sep 19Oct 18Oct 19Nov 17Nov 19Dec 18Dec 19Jan 17
Jan 20Feb 18Feb 20Mar 21Mar 20Apr 18Apr 20May 19May 20Jun 18Jun 20Jul 19Jul 20Aug 18Aug 20Sep 18Sep 20Oct 19Oct 20Nov 18Nov 20Dec 19Dec 20Jan 18
Jan 21Feb 19Feb 21Mar 22Mar 21Apr 19Apr 21May 20May 21Jun 19Jun 21Jul 20Jul 21Aug 19Aug 21Sep 19Sep 21Oct 20Oct 21Nov 19Nov 21Dec 20Dec 21Jan 19
Jan 22Feb 20Feb 22Mar 23Mar 22Apr 20Apr 22May 21May 22Jun 20Jun 22Jul 21Jul 22Aug 20Aug 22Sep 20Sep 22Oct 21Oct 22Nov 20Nov 22Dec 21Dec 22Jan 20
Jan 23Feb 21Feb 23Mar 24Mar 23Apr 21Apr 23May 22May 23Jun 21Jun 23Jul 22Jul 23Aug 21Aug 23Sep 21Sep 23Oct 22Oct 23Nov 21Nov 23Dec 22Dec 23Jan 21
Jan 24Feb 22Feb 24Mar 25Mar 24Apr 22Apr 24May 23May 24Jun 22Jun 24Jul 23Jul 24Aug 22Aug 24Sep 22Sep 24Oct 23Oct 24Nov 22Nov 24Dec 23Dec 24Jan 22
Jan 25Feb 23Feb 25Mar 26Mar 25Apr 23Apr 25May 24May 25Jun 23Jun 25Jul 24Jul 25Aug 23Aug 25Sep 23Sep 25Oct 24Oct 25Nov 23Nov 25Dec 24Dec 25Jan 23
Jan 26Feb 24Feb 26Mar 27Mar 26Apr 24Apr 26May 25May 26Jun 24Jun 26Jul 25Jul 26Aug 24Aug 26Sep 24Sep 26Oct 25Oct 26Nov 24Nov 26Dec 25Dec 26Jan 24
Jan 27Feb 25Feb 27Mar 28Mar 27Apr 25Apr 27May 26May 27Jun 25Jun 27Jul 26Jul 27Aug 25Aug 27Sep 25Sep 27Oct 26Oct 27Nov 25Nov 27Dec 26Dec 27Jan 25
Jan 28Feb 26Feb 28Mar 29Mar 28Apr 26Apr 28May 27May 28Jun 26Jun 28Jul 27Jul 28Aug 26Aug 28Sep 26Sep 28Oct 27Oct 28Nov 26Nov 28Dec 27Dec 28Jan 26
Jan 29Feb 27Mar 29Apr 27Apr 29May 28May 29Jun 27Jun 29Jul 28Jul 29Aug 27Aug 29Sep 27Sep 29Oct 28Oct 29Nov 27Nov 29Dec 28Dec 29Jan 27
Jan 30Feb 28Mar 30Apr 28Apr 30May 29May 30Jun 28Jun 30Jul 29Jul 30Aug 28Aug 30Sep 28Sep 30Oct 29Oct 30Nov 28Nov 30Dec 29Dec 30Jan 28
Jan 31Mar 01Mar 31Apr 29May 31Jun 29Jul 31Aug 29Aug 31Sep 29Oct 31Nov 29Dec 31Jan 29
Goose Egg Incubation Table / Chart
Goose Egg Incubation Table / Chart


How long does it take for a fertile goose egg to hatch?

It takes a fertilized goose egg 29 days to hatch when it is set under a broody goose or in an ideal geese egg incubator.

How long is a goose ‘pregnant’ before laying eggs?

Geese are oviparous animals and they are not expected to get pregnant like viviparous animals. Eggs are formed in the ovary and oviduct of the goose. A goose will later lay the egg when the egg has been fully formed. A mature goose can lay only one egg within 24 hours.

Can unfertilized goose egg develop and hatch?

There is no way an unfertilized egg can develop and hatch. It must be fertilized by the spermatozoa of a male goose before embryonic development and hatching can take place.

What is the ideal temperature and humidity required for successful goose egg incubation?

Goose eggs need to be incubated at an average temperature of 99.5oF and 70-75% relative humidity.

Would a goose lay eggs without a gander?

A goose will definitely lay eggs without mating with a gander. Nevertheless, the eggs laid will be infertile or unhatchable.

READ: Top 5 Poultry Egg Incubator

Where can I buy a cheap, reliable egg incubator?

There are numerous cheap egg incubators. However, you can get a cheap and reliable turkey egg incubator on Amazon for as low as $30. Click here to buy a cheap turkey egg incubator on Amazon.